Thanks to each of you who responded to our Beliefs Survey. Our first step was to have our Board Members and principals complete an initial Belief Survey. Our next step was to have teachers, staff, and community members (parents and non-parents) respond. We then incorporated many of these wonderful suggestions and refined these ideas and suggestions at our Leadership Retreat with principals and Central Office staff this summer. Therefore, thanks to the hard work and “brain power” of our Board Members, principals, Central Office staff, teachers, staff, parents, and community members, we have finalized our beliefs. What we do as Trussville City Schools will reflect the following beliefs:
1. We believe that student learning is our top priority. |
2. We believe the core business of our schools is to provide students with engaging and intellectually rich schoolwork. |
3. We believe in continuous professional learning. |
4. We believe in professional and timely customer service for the entire learning community. |
5. We believe in students utilizing a profusion of technologies to accommodate a wide variety of tasks, products, and accelerated learning. |
6. We believe that performing before significant others affirms student learning. |
7. We believe in mutual respect between and among professionals and students. |
8. We believe in meaningful student tasks that encourage lifelong learning. |
9. We believe that highly engaged classrooms maximize learning. |
10. We believe that applying and integrating current technology throughout the curriculum enhances and supports learning. |
11. We believe in providing students with educational choices and options within the scope of the curriculum. |