The Trussville City Schools are committed to providing special education services for eligible preschool children with disabilities. The preschool program, Trussville Connections Preschool Program, fosters the belief that children with disabilities are children first, that they can and do learn (Mandi Logan, 2005). We support the premise that early intervention in an integrated setting will promote maximum learning experiences for young children ( Logan, 2005). To that end, we are excited to offer an inclusion component to our Trussville Connections Preschool program.
Trussville City Schools employees will be eligible to make application for their child, ages 3 and 4, to participate in the Trussville Connections Preschool Program. There will be five (5) placements available for non-disabled preschool children who turn three (3) before June 1, 2005. This is not a day care model, children will attend only during the regular school day and only on days when school is in session. Additionally, the Trussville Connections Preschool Program will operate Monday through Thursday.